でもやはり思う事は、Lobstagはvariumで見るのが一番です。すごく生き生きしてます笑 とくにカノマタさん凄いですよ!!
後はOFF THE ROCKER。やっぱいつ見てもあがるね!DJの腕がどうだとか色々言う人いるけど全然そんな事ないし、彼らの仕事ってお客さんを盛り上げる事でしょ?完璧にこなしているのになぜ悪評があがるのかわかりません。とりあえずキングでした。
次は、DEXPISTOLS。最後のトリだったのですが、正直驚きました。Dubstepを流す事は知ってはいたのですが、Da Cali Anthem...........
この日にお会いしたDusty John ThomasのたんくんがBlogをUPしないのかとプレッシャーをかけてきたので今焦って作成中です笑
今回取り上げるのは僕にとってはもう既に国民的アイドル、RUSKO。Diploと親交が深く、majorlazerのアメリカツアーなんかを一緒にまわったりしてます。そして今年のFUJI ROCKに参戦決定!僕は参戦予定ですが皆さんはどうですか?

えーと、お祭りのようなかっこ良くてたのしくなれるようなものを作ってほしいとよく言われるのだけれど、僕の作る音楽ってより音楽的で、DJの時は比較的他のDJがやらないようなMINIMAL DUBSTEPをよく流すよ。
Some would say you're at the forefront of the 2010 dubstep scene, what do you make of that?
Well, I get asked to do a lot of cool stuff like festivals but the type of music I make is a bit more musical, I tend to play at events that minimal dubstep artists wouldn't.
I'm more likely to be booked at electro parties rather than a dubstep rave. You're more likely to find me as the one dubstep guy in the house club rather than the headline dubstep act at a dubstep night which I love because it means playing to new ears.
The musicality and the electro vibes in the tracks and stuff have meant the sound of dubstep can crossover so more people can hear it.
You've been based in LA since last summer, how's the music going?
I've been singing on my tunes recently, a few of my last tracks I've done my own vocals.
With regards making music and gigging, I do it now so that I have two solid weeks of gigging then a couple of weeks to chill out and make tunes so I'm actually getting some proper time to work on my music rather than making a tune, going out and DJing every weekend.
Like that you get stuck in the loop but like this it's nice to do a load of DJ gigs and then some time to go home and make a load of new tunes, make a new set and actually have time to be creative.
Looking at your 2010 album tour, you're playing a lot in America, how is that crowd for you?
Mad, I miss the UK ravers a lot but in the US, they're still crazy. They still jump up and down and scream but it's still not quite the same as playing in the UK.
Looking at your 2010 album tour, you're playing a lot in America, how is that crowd for you?
Mad, I miss the UK ravers a lot but in the US, they're still crazy. They still jump up and down and scream but it's still not quite the same as playing in the UK.
What do you make of dubstep's explosion?
The entire sound has become a lot more rave orientated; DJs are getting booked four, five nights a week at the moment. There's just so much demand for it. The tunes have obviously developed. Most of the DJs have a couple of days in the week to make some tunes to take and play out on the road.
Everyone's looking for the biggest tune in the rave at the weekend – it's like a constant 'Who's got the biggest tune in the rave right now?' competition which is great because we're all still friends and it all feeds off each other.
しかし、全体的に商業的になっている、三時間のライブを1Xtraでやったんだけど、Anny Macは二時間DUBSTEPのライヴをしていたし、BENGAはEVEと一緒に活動している。現に僕もSantigoldやM.I.Aの新アルバムのために曲を作ったりもしているしね。
You mentioned earlier about how the sound has exploded, would you say it's going into the mainstream and what are you thoughts on that?
Dubstep will always have its underground vibe. Anything with that type of sound and any sort of bassline orientated music where the focus is the bassline will always have that underground sound.
But the sound as a whole is getting more commercial, I've had a three-hour show on 1Xtra and then every time you listen to Annie Mac, she plays loads of dubstep in her two-hour show. It's everywhere, Benga's worked with Eve. I've done tracks for Santigold's album and M.I.A's new album.